The Benefits of Replacing Water Bottles With A Water Monster Tank
Drinking from plastic water bottles seems like a normal thing to do, however, it has a growing negative impact on our environment. Consumption of water using traditional plastic water bottles impacts our environment in numerous negative ways. A summary of some of the issues with reliance on plastic water bottles includes the following:
- The manufacturing of plastic bottles releases tons of carbon dioxide every year. It has been proven that increased levels into our environment are a contributing factor to global warming.
- Plastic water bottles do not break down. Even when they end up in properly built landfills, they can take up to 400 plus years to fully break down.
- Plastic accumulation in the ocean leads up to over 1 million deaths of sea creatures each year. It is estimated there are 100 million or more tons of plastic in our oceans today.
Water Monster products are assembled in the United States and provide a sustainable water delivery solution for many different applications. Whether you are looking to provide water dispensing options for your camp or school, or looking to setup a sustainable water delivery solution for a triathlon or other athletic event we have a solution for you. By installing one of our water spigots, water cooler, or other accessories you will be providing a sustainable, convenient, and re-usable solution for keeping your group hydrated and cool. Several of our newest water monster dispenser accessories not only make our water dispensers easier to use, but also eliminate transmission of germs and other contaminates.
The UltraSpout dispensers will easily retro fit to replace standard push button spigots. It connects to all common 3-10 gallon water coolers with a ⅞” or larger opening. These water spigots have become increasingly popular for all sorts of outdoor water dispensing needs such as camps, schools, races, festivals, and many other applications. Their versatility in being able to attach to many types of water coolers makes them a versatile and inexpensive way to stay hydrated while reducing germ spread.
Another one of our newest products is the UltraSpout Foot Pedal
The UltraSpout foot pedal offers a 100% touch free hydration solution. Easy to install, easy to operate. This simple and innovative pedal works on the WaterMonster tank, our manifold system and ALL common 3, 5, 7 and 10 Gallon water coolers. It's adjustable from 24" to 48" in height to accommodate your table height.